Toyota Yaris Hybrid: A Year With The Spar Mobile - How Try To


Toyota Yaris Hybrid: A Year With The Spar Mobile

Toyota Yaris Hybrid: A Year With The Spar Mobile - We tested the Toyota Yaris Hybrid for an electric heart and gasoline kidneys for a year. At the start, there were some misunderstandings.

Pickup, at a Toyota dealership in the Rhineland. I did turn the key, but nothing happened. So let the window down and look at the seller in a questioning way. He grins first, and then shouts to me: "I know what they are asking now, but the engine is already on. "

About Of Toyota Yaris

Image Of Toyota Yaris Hybrid: A Year With The Spar Mobile

Obviously, this question is posed to anyone who gets into a hybrid for the first time: Keys flipped over and yet you don't hear anything. I press carefully on the pedal. Nothing happens. Because I forgot about the quiet drive to loosen the handbrake because I was excited about the quiet drive. I make up for that, hope the seller doesn't notice anything, step gently on the pedal again – and it stays quiet. I roll from the site onto a wide, abandoned concrete slope. So suppress, the pedal.

Acceleration is madness compared to small gasoline engines. But the noise also: You can get used to the total peace and quiet in 15 seconds. If the internal combustion engine then jumps on, one frets. Note: Anyone who is happy about their car driving so quietly has either a stromer – or good noise insulation.

Two Hearts In The Toyota Yaris Hybrid

The Yaris Hybrid is not the smallest small car Toyota offers, but the smallest  "real " hybrid. Unlike the plug-in hybrid, it cannot be loaded. He only gains electricity through recuperation. This means that when normal burners generate heat, for example when rolling the mountain or especially when braking, then the Yaris loads a small memory. Not a lithium battery, but a nickel metal hydride memory. They are supposed to be a little more sensitive if they are not intelligently controlled – but that's what the Yaris does.

A few kilowatt hours go into the battery, which is not much. If the Yaris were a pure electric car, even if driving was around four kilometres off. Since the electric motor (45 kilowatts of power, equivalent to 60 hp) is connected to a combustion engine (74 hp power), the little one can also pull over the motorway at 140 without having to worry as a driver. If you drive sparingly, you should consume 3.3 litres per 100 kilometres, but I can't do that on the test drive yet. Later my top value will be 3.1 litres, more realistic are 4.1 (summer) to 5.0 litres (winter).

The first ride is otherwise uneventful. Nice car. Splashy to about 80 things, then it gets tougher. A light whistle at 100 km/h. From 150 onwards, the driving pleasure decreases significantly, driving 165 also drags the fuel to nine litres because of the small engine. But that's not the point of the matter in a small car, but the nice gliding in heavy traffic and a really relaxed stop-and-go in traffic jams, which I have to take with me at least twice a week.

Toyota Yaris No City Car

The Yaris is advertised as a city car, but this is nonsense, because in cities you don't need a car. He is already a congestion car with all-rounder qualities. I can already notice this during the test drive – on the country road the Yaris can keep up well, the on-board display provides some key figures such as consumption per minute or a colorful current flow indicator. The speed is no longer seen in the display, but energy consumption and extraction. This is fun at first, you want to get as much electricity as possible and save on gasoline. And that was also a reason for me to test the Yaris Hybrid – if car, then environmentally friendly. With (small) battery and a petrol engine with suction tube injection. It is even lower in emissions only fully electric.

On the highway you can gas for this in old combustion style. Even at 130 km/h the loudspeakers still sound good, the car does not flutter, when accelerating 110 to the left lane and thus 140 the engine is already ridding so much that a few kilometers later I will return to the right, even if the traffic there is flowing cheerily. For that, I'm saving petrol again. You often hear that hybrid is a bridge technology. Is true.


At home, I park faster than usual: Small model with rear camera, that makes it easy. Quickly still looked at the consumption indicator: 5.4 liters. In retrospect a very weak value, but because I came from the pure burner, I already thought that was ok, better than in non-hybrid Yaris. A few weeks later, I'll be excited about the 3.9 in the ad for the first time. I can only manage 5.4 litres once more, with E10 in the tank, in winter and on the free motorway. With the current gasoline prices, however, you quickly get used to this again.

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